Friday, July 24, 2009

If it weren't for bad luck...

I'd have no luck at all. You might have seen the results already, but in case you haven't let me save you the trouble: I got time cut. In a time trial. No, I didn't just have the worst ride of my life. I flatted. I had already made the turnaround, but had to flip it & go back out to the end to get neutral support.

I got up early this morning to go see if they would give me a pro-rated time & let me start, but they were pretty harsh. They wouldn't even give me any sympathy, let alone a pro-rated time. So here I am. I've got the legs up and some Joseph Conrad in hand & I'm going to try not to get too upset about the fact that I've DNFed every big stage race this year because of some bull$%@¤.

1 comment:

RMac said...

Time cut for a mechanical? WTF!? That's ridiculous.