Other Stuff That Rocks

Below you'll find a list of other blogs or websites that I enjoy checking in on. Maybe we have similar tastes! Maybe you'll enjoy them too!

This is the blog of famous (Professional!) American cyclist Sam Johnson. He rides for Team Exergy and his blog provides witty, insightful, and often hilarious insight into the US cycling scene. Check it.

Chris Winn Cycling
Follow along with Australia's favorite expat. Denver based Chris has been smashing it up in the US for the last two years and he's getting ready to disclose which pro team he'll be riding for in 2011.

Coutnerattacking Reality
Warning: Do not consume any beverage while reading this blog, as there is a danger it will wind up on your keyboard via your nose. Hilarious commentary on the struggles of being an elite NorCal racer and PhD Chemist by none other than Rand Miller. Rand is one of my oldest friends in California. We went to college together and he gave me my rude initiation into the world of cycling.

Cycling News
This internet website covers cycling worldwide from the NRC to the TdF. They have probably the most comprehensive coverage of cycling on the internet with a great mix of race coverage, tech news, great interviews and editorial and breaking news. The whole cycling world reads this site almost religiously. It's my goal to have them mention my name  someday.  

Podium Insight
This impressive site is entirely put together by one (wo)man army Lyne Lamoureux. Lyne believed so strongly that North American cycling deserved more press that she quit her day job and decided to cover the scene herself. It sometimes seems like she must have a number of twin sisters as she manages to get to an astounding number of races. With the most timely reporting, best interviews and spectacular photos, Podium Insight is a must read.

QOL for Dummies
Iron Maiden once asked, "can I play with madness?" and the answer is yes, you can! Just head on over to the on again off again blog of my new teammate and dedicated liver of life Jamie Sparling, aka D. J Sparls. 

The Science of Sport
This is one of my favorite reads on the internet. This blog is kept up by two sports physiologists and provides an amazingly insightful look into the more scientific side of endurance athletics. They only update a handful of times a month, but when they do you can bet it's going to be good. From the World Cup to the TdF to the Caster Semenya debacle, these guys always have an interesting take on current events.