Thursday, February 10, 2011

Better Know a Teammate

I can't say there's much news to report. I continue to have my mind blown on a daily basis by the sheer awesomeosity of the training camp here in Mallorca. I've never had better riding or more quality training than in the past ten days. Cherie, Eddie, Helen and Pete have done an amazing job of taking care of all the logistics and organization leaving me and the other riders with no worries beyond smashing ourselves on the bike and making it back up the stairs to our rooms. Every other detail has been worked out, every necessity provided, and it's the huge efforts on the part of those four that have allowed us to have such an amazing camp. Huge thanks to them!
Eddie and Chez playin' it cool:
Pete: this guy knows his schiz.
Helen, always willing to go the extra mile.

It's also allowed us a bit of extra time and I've managed to steal a brief interview with none other than DJ Sparls. I wanted to ask him about his goals for the season and his riding style and what kind of food he likes before a race, but he wasn't going for it. I tweaked the questions a little bit and what follows is the result. I'm really hoping that I get a chance to interview all of my teammates, so hopefully I'm presenting you with Part 1 of the 11 part series: "Better Know a Teammate." Enjoy.

Ready for a more wacky antics from JSparls? Head here, or here.


Unknown said...
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Paul Mooney said...

You've managed to develop quite an impressive accent these past few weeks, Mr. Parnes!

Ryan said...

Paul-Paul! Heyo! Very astute, sir. My plan is to assimilate then dominate. Phase One complete.

Devyn Parnes said...


Zach wick said...

I cant believe you completely ignored my pro callout on twitter... I think I'm gonna stop reading this blog now