Saturday, February 5, 2011


Jaime (that's not a spelling error) has done a pretty awesome job of documenting this Mallorca excursion so far, and if you haven't already done so you need to go check out his witty ramblings.

Here's a few more shots to fill in the blanks. In no particular order:
Hotel Shot

This is what you get when you translate Russian to Spanish to English. Nice steps, though...

Hot chocolate comes with TWO sugars!

Matt Jones makes sure to tag even when he's on the road.

Turns out the real Spanish Steps are in Spain.

P$ Mooney. Yes, it really is this nice.

Recovery ride with the OG

This is what addiction looks like.

Busted. That's a whole plate of mussell shells and THREE bowls of dessert.

"Why are there two toilets?" -JJ

Brian from Raleigh America taking in the view from Randa.

Earning that view.

Put 12 guys in tight quarters and they revert to children. Yes, I got punked.

Shot from a bit of TT practice. Rickety Cricket doesn't even need a draft.

Today we're making a summit attempt. Hells yeah.

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